Meditation with a clear purpose. Personal growth with a twist.
Co-authorship done differently.

Would you like to…

  • Understand and accept yourself more deeply?

  • Connect the dots between different aspects of your life so that your days feel less reactionary and more meaningful?

  • Have the confidence and self belief to share and celebrate your story?

  • Let your every day actions inspire others? 

  • Connect with others on a creative project?

  • Let go of control and learn to trust in life?

What if you could achieve all this, and become a co-author of a beautiful book too?



Meditate, Write, Celebrate
What’s involved?

This learning opportunity is a powerful combination of personal development and book creation. You will walk two paths. The first path will take you inwards, where you will discover more about yourself, what sparks gratitude, joy, awe and wonder within you and what makes you feel expansive, creative and alive. The second path is a deep dive into storytelling, writing best practice, structure and editing. Both these paths will then converge and you will meet a version of yourself who feels confident to share their story, and more trusting of life.

happy habit

As you walk path one, you will…

  • Strengthen and expand your meditation practice

  • Deepen your understanding of yourself

  • Identify and let go of limiting beliefs

  • Build self-belief and confidence

  • Experience gratitude, awe and wonder, connection and inspiration

  • Connect with a renewed appreciation for life and your place in it

  • Soften your habits of control

  • Learn to relax into, and trust the natural flow of life

As you walk path two, you will… 

  • Learn how to write a story (chapter) that engages and inspires

  • Understand Writing 101 - balancing first person and narrator, creating context, following a story arch, addressing the who, what, when, how, why

  • Receive the support of an award-winning editor

  • Understand the power of sharing your story both for you and your reader

  • Receive support and guidance as you navigate the creative path

  • Learn from Fleur’s personal and professional experience of co-authoring four books and authoring two books

When the two paths meet, you will…

  • Feel buoyed by confidence to share and celebrate

  • Be willing to control less, and trust more

  • Feel proud and ready to share the beautiful book you have contributed to

  • Understand how connected all aspects of our lives are


Stories of how ordinary habits create extraordinary impact.

In a world that promotes bigger as better and faster as more fruitful and fun, it takes courage to believe in the power of the little commitments we make to ourselves. Swimming in the ocean everyday. Placing our hand on our heart when life feels hard. Volunteering at the local school. Becoming a vegetarian. Taking that art class. Learning to ask for what you need.

These simple habits, when performed mindfully, have the power to create a big impact.

What often starts as a chore slowly becomes more enjoyable, until it grows from something we should do into something we love to do. These simple practices weave their way into our identity. They transform from habit to ritual, and at times, into something sacred.

And when we pause and reflect, we come to understand that just like one rain drop on a still lake, this habit has created a powerful ripple, flowing into our past, present and future. No effort required. And we are reminded that life is always supporting us, that everything is connected and that we are safe to let go of trying desperately to control our human experience.

What’s included

  • A 4 month experience where you receive all the support you need to not only write a great chapter, but also to believe in yourself and your story’s capacity to touch and inspire others. Through weekly zoom calls, guided meditations, writing prompts, group discussion and informative PDF’s you will identify a simple habit (either current or from your past), explore its impact on your life, write an engaging story and believe in your capacity to connect with others.

  • 8 x 90 minute Zoom sessions. These are weekly meetings with your co-authors, facilitated by Fleur Chambers. These sessions will strengthen your meditation practice, deepen your understanding of yourself and your life and build self belief. They will also provide practical guidance about writing, along with accountability, structured writing time, and a sense of connection.

  • Professional editorial feedback. You will receive 2 professional edits of your chapter. The first edit is a big picture review that will provide feedback around structure, storyline, themes, flow, pace etc. This is an award winning editor who provided this exact support to Fleur for both her books. The second edit will capture the small details and provide the final polish to ensure there are no typos and your chapter is of professional quality.

  • Private webpage where you can access all zoom recordings, additional guided meditations, writing prompts, structural writing guides, writing rituals and PDFs. Here you will find everything you need to identify your story, write and share it with confidence.

  • Ebook with tips about how to promote and market your book (if that interests you).

  • Book launch celebration - this will be held via zoom, you can attend on your own or invite family, friends or colleagues. 

  • You will receive one hard copy of the book in the mail.

  • You can purchase additional copies of the book at cost price.

Books about famous people entertain us. Books that honour and celebrate everyday people showing up for their one precious life with courage, gratitude, grit and reverence inspire and heal us.
Do you have a story to share?

Fleur Chambers

Who Am I?

I’m Fleur, best-selling author, multi-award winning mediation teacher and philanthropist. 

Through my books, guided meditations and online courses I help people of all ages and life-stages understand and befriend themselves and experience a sense of gratitude, wonder and reverence for this wild ride called life (the joys and the challenges).

My journey to becoming an author and creator of the boutique publishing house, The Fleur Chambers Press began when I co-authored a book on courage and confidence. I not only fell in love with writing but also with the opportunity to connect the dots between different aspects of my life, namely, how conditioning from our childhood impacts how we walk through life as an adult. I quickly went on to co-author another three books, and write two of my own, Ten Pathways and Wholehearted Confidence.

Whilst writing felt authentic and joyful, the process also brought up a lot of self-doubt, fear of being judged, vulnerability and I’m totally honest, anxiety. These feelings caught me off guard, and it was only afterwards that I learnt how common it is to experience these different manifestations of fear as we share ourselves through writing.

And so I created Meditate, Write, Celebrate, an experience that not only supports you to write a professional standard chapter that engages and connects, but also provides support during the wobbly moments that are part of the writer's journey. 

This 4 month experience weaves together my professional expertise with my personal loves, self-inquiry, creativity, mindful moments, resourcing ourselves through self-doubt, trusting in, and celebrating life.

Everyone has a story to tell. This experience will provide you with all the support you need to identify, write and share yours.

  • "Fleur Chambers has a remarkable gift for offering super-effective ideas and tools in a warm, down-to-earth, and encouraging voice. "

    Rick Hanson, PhD, author of Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom

  • "Equal parts whimsical and sensible, reassuring and wise, it will make you feel better even if it just sits on your bedside table! "

    Matthew Young, Director, Melbourne Meditation Centre

  • "This engaging and beautiful book will make you feel that you’re sitting in the room with a kind and supportive friend. "

    Kate James, author of Change Your Thinking to Change Your Life

  • "Every page delivers a big dose of healing! "

    Amy Molloy, author of Wife Interrupted

  • "Fleur has created a resource for us all that is both rich in hard-won personal wisdom and grounded in science. "

    Olivia Downing, author of You Are Loved

Cost and Commitment

This experience will cost $1,450 AUD per person.

This will cover both the learning component (8 x 90 minute zooms calls, course webpage with resources etc) and the book creation element (chapter structure, the two rounds of
professional editing, book layout, printing, shipping, book promotion on Amazon etc).

You will receive one colour hard copy of the book. You can purchase as many books as you like at cost price.

Any profit made through my publishing house, The Fleur Chambers Press for the sale of these books will go towards the creation of libraries at school in the slums of Bangladesh. 

You will be required to commit your time to this process - approximately 30 minutes per day. Ideally you will also participate in all the Zoom calls so that together, we can create a book that feels coherent. 

In order for the book to flow and feel like a family of stories following a similar structure and framework, you will be required to become familiar with the chapter structure, support documents, guided meditations and journaling prompts in the online portal.

Final points to consider

This is not an opportunity to promote your business or side hustle. It’s not appropriate to mention products or services or to offer professional advice.

Whilst you don’t need to have your chapter all mapped out before you begin, it is a good idea if you have a rough idea of the simple habit you would like to write about. This can be a habit that you began a while ago, or something that you have recently committed to.

Ideally, you would come to this experience with a sense of excitement about exploring the habit further and the impact it has had on your life. During the 4 month experience you will have the opportunity to flesh out all the details and map out the story.

You can come with one habit in mind, but if during the process something else calls to you, it is okay to change the subject of your chapter.

Everyone can write. Everyone has a story to share. If this experience calls you, don’t let imposter syndrome or self doubt stop you. Get in touch. I am here to support you.

Timeline and Important Dates

Please note there are two sessions each week to accommodate the different time zones, you are only required to attend one. Zoom links will be provided upon successful application.

Zoom Session One
Monday 4th March 10.00 - 11.30am AEDT
Thursday 7th March 6.00 - 7.30am AEDT

Zoom Session Two
Monday 11th March 10.00 - 11.30am AEDT
Thursday 14th March 6.00 - 7.30am AEDT

Zoom Session Three
Monday 18th March 10.00 - 11.30am AEDT
Thursday 21st March 6.00 - 7.30am AEDT

Zoom Session Four
Monday 25th March 10.00 - 11.30am AEDT
Thursday 28th March 6.00 - 7.30am AEDT

Zoom Session Five
Monday 1st April 10.00 - 11.30am AEDT
Thursday 4th April 6.00 - 7.30am AEDT

First Draft due
Monday 15th April

First draft returned to you
Sunday 5th May

Zoom Session Six
Monday 6th May 10.00 - 11.30am AEST
Thursday 9th May 6.00 - 7.30am AEST

Zoom Session Seven
Monday 13th May 10.00 - 11.30am AEST
Thursday 16th May 6.00 - 7.30am AEST

Second draft due
Monday 10th June

Second draft returned to you
Sunday 14th July

Final chapter due
Friday 26th July

Zoom Session Eight
Monday 29th July 10.00 - 11.30am AEST
Thursday 1st August 6.00 - 7.30am AEST

Book Launch Celebration
TBA December